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Masca reparatoare cu keratina 1000 ml

SKU: en271
  • Masca reparatoare cu concentratie ridicata de principii active de keratina. Reface in profunzime parul, calmeaza scalpul, oferind un aspect de par moale, stralucitor si usor de pieptanat. Ideal pentru par deterioarat si degradat.


    Mod de folosire: aplicati 10 ml de masca pe parul umed dupa samponare, masati delicat cateva minute apoi clatiti.

  • Keratin hair mask with a high concentration of active keratin ingredients. Regenerates the hair, calms down the scalp, giving softness, shine easing the hair brushing. Perfect for damaged and colored hair.


    How to use: apply 10ml of mask after shampoo, on wet hair, massage it for a few minutes and wash it.

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