Sampon tratament sebum pentru scalp gras si par uscat anti-age 1000ml
SKU: EN260
lei115.00 Regular Price
lei86.25Sale Price
Contine trico-hyal pe baza de acid hialuronic cu actiune prelungita, polifenoli si polinucleotide. Actioneaza curatand foarte bine pielea grasa si facand ca parul uscat sa devina catifelat. Curata scalpul gras din interior spre exterior si hidrateaza fibra capilara.
Mod de folosire: aplicati cca 10 ml de produs pe parul umed, masati, asteptati 2/3 min, dupa care clatiti.
Contains tricho-hyaline based on prolonged-release hyaluronic acid, polyphenols and polynucleotides. It works by thoroughly cleaning the greasy skin and making hair dry to become velvety. Cleanse greasy scalp from the inside out and moisturize the capillary fiber.
How to use: apply 10ml of shampoo on wet hair, massage it and wash it.